Flag of Dominican republic

Flag Dominican republic, Banner Dominican republic
Aspect ratio:
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National flag on land
Dominican republic
Santo Domingo
48.422 km²
North America, Central America
Dominican peso (DOP)
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Background knowledge

When the Dominican Republic first became independent in 1821, a yellow-blue-red striped flag was in use, modeled after that of Greater Colombia. It disappeared with the Haitian annexation in 1822. In the anti-Haitian liberation struggle, the leader of the secret society of the Trintarians, Juan Pablo Duarte, created a flag that superimposed a white cross on the first, blue-red flag of Haiti. After the victory over Haiti in 1844, this flag was raised as the flag of the Dominican Republic for the proclamation of independence on Feb. 27, 1844. For aesthetic reasons, the flag was changed to its present form on 06.11.1844 (according to other sources on 08.11.1844). The blue stands for freedom, the red for the blood spilled in the fight for freedom, the white cross for the religious faith of the people.

The coat of arms of the Dominican Republic shows a shield based on the flag. Centered on it are four crossed Dominican flags, two crossed lances, an open Bible and a golden cross. The coat of arms is surrounded by a wreath of one palm branch and one laurel branch. Above a blue banner with the state motto in golden letters: "Dios, Patria, Libertad" => "God, Fatherland, Freedom". Below a red banner with the name of the state, also in gold letters.

Text courtesy of Flaggenlexikon.de

A centered white cross dividing the flag into four quadrants; upper left and lower right blue; upper right and lower left red; national emblem centered on the intersecting axes of the cross.


Composer: José Reyés Songwriter: Emilio Prud’homme

1. Quisqueyanos valientes, alcemos

Nuestro canto con viva emoción,

Y del mundo a la faz ostentemos

Nuestro invicto, glorioso pendón.

¡Salve! el pueblo que, intrépido y fuerte.

A la guerra a morir se lanzó,

cuando en bélico reto de muerte

Sus cadenas de esclavo rompió.

2. Ningún pueblo ser libre merece.

Si es esclavo, indolente y servil;

Si en su pecho la llama no crece

Que templó el heroísmo viril.

Mas Quisqueya la indómita y brava

Siempre altiva la frente alzará;

Que si fuere vil veces esclava

Otras tantas ser libre sabrá.

3. Que si dolo y ardid la expusieron

De un intruso señor al desdén,

¡Las Carreras! ¡Beler! Campos fueron

Que cubiertos de gloria se ven.

Que en la cima de heroíco baluarte,

De los libres el verbo encarnó,

Donde el genio de Sánchez y Duarte

A ser libre o morir enseñó.

4. Y si pudo inconsulto caudillo

De esas glorias el brillo empañar,

De la guerra se vió en Capotillo

La bandera de fuego ondear.

Y el incendio que atónito deja

De Castilla al soberbio león,

De las playas gloriosas le aleja

Donde flota el cruzado pendón.

5. Compatriotas, mostremos erguida

Nuestra frente, orgullosos de hoy más;

Que Quisqueya será destruida

Pero sierva de nuevo, jamás.

Que es santuario de amor cada pecho

De la patria se siente vivir;

Y es su escudo invencible, el derecho;

Y es su lema: ser libre o morir.

6. Libertad que aún se yergue serena

La victoria en su carro triunfal,

Y el clarín de la guerra aún resuena

Pregonando su gloria inmortal.

¡Libertad! Que los ecos se agiten

Mientras llenos de noble ansiedad

Nuestros campos de gloria repiten

¡Libertad! ¡Libertad! ¡Libertad!

That's what ChatGPT knows about the flag of Dominican republic

This is what an AI says about the Dominican flag
The flag of the Dominican Republic consists of a white cross framed by four blue squares. The white cross symbolizes faith in God and the four squares represent the four parts of the world. In the center of the flag is a red square, which symbolizes the independence of the country. The colors blue, white and red represent the three colors of the French Tricolore, symbolizing the independence of the Dominican Republic.
This is what an AI knows about the history of the Dominican flag
The national flag of the Dominican Republic was adopted on November 6, 1844 and is a symbol of the country's independence. It consists of a white cross on a red background, representing the colors of the national flag of the former Spanish colonial ruler. The white cross, in turn, symbolizes the country's Christian faith.
This is how an AI describes the Dominican flag
The national flag of the Dominican Republic consists of a white cross arranged on a blue background. In each of the four corners of the cross there is a red square. A white star is depicted in each of the red squares. The flag symbolizes the four historical provinces of the Dominican Republic, all connected by a white cross. The four red squares and the white stars represent the freedom and independence of the country.

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