Flag of East Timor

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Fransisco Borja da Costa
Afonso de Araujo
That's what ChatGPT knows about the flag of East Timor
This is what an AI says about the East Timor flag
The national flag of East Timor was officially adopted as the flag of the new state on May 28, 2002. It is a combination of the colors black, red, yellow and white, symbolizing the unity of the East Timorese people. The flag is considered a symbol of peace and hope for a better future.
This is what an AI knows about the history of the East Timor flag
The national flag of East Timor was officially adopted as the flag of the Democratic Republic of East Timor on November 28, 1975. The flag consists of a black-red-gold triangle arranged on a white background. The black-red triangle symbolizes the connection to the Portuguese heritage and the golden color represents the hope for a better future. The flag was reintroduced during the East Timor independence movement in 2002.
This is how an AI describes the East Timor flag
The national flag of East Timor consists of a vertical stripe in black, red and yellow. The black stripe is on the left side, the red stripe in the middle and the yellow stripe on the right side. In the center of the flag there is a white five-pointed star symbol, which is a sign of independence. The background of the flag is white.
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