Flag of Argentina

Flag Argentina, Banner Argentina
Aspect ratio:
Vexillological symbol:
National flag on land and sea
Buenos Aires
2.780.000 km²
South America
Argentine Peso (ARS)
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Background knowledge

The national flag of Argentina is one of the four national symbols of this country, together with the coat of arms of the Argentine Republic, the Argentine national anthem and the Argentine cockade.

The flag is based on the flag created by Manuel Belgrano, which he developed with the light blue and white colors of the national cockade. The Argentine flag was hoisted for the first time on February 27, 1812 in Rosario.

The flag has three horizontal stripes of size 1:1:1, the lower and the upper in light blue and the middle in white.

In the middle of the white stripe is a Sun (Inca Sun).



In the center of the flag, in the white stripe, there is a sun, called Sol de Mayo or Sol Incaico: it is yellow with a brown border. The sun has 32 spokes, 16 straight and 16 symmetrically wavy.

On August 16, 1985, a the Law 23.208 on National Symbols confirmed the existence of the two flags and decreed that the only Argentine flag is the one with the sun. Thus, today the Inca Sun shines in the center of our flag, where it always flies.

Law 23.208 also establishes the right to use it as the official flag of the nation for the national government, provincial governments, those of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, municipalities and communities, official departments, individuals and civil institutions.

Finally, Decree 1650/2010, on the occasion of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the May Revolution, established its dimensions, characteristics of the fabric, colors and accessories, that is, the parameters to which all copies for official use must conform.

The aspect ratio is 9:14 or 5:8.


Composer: José Blas Parera Songwriter: Vicente López und Planes

The"Marcha Patriótica" is the Argentine national anthem from 1813.

| Spanish | Translation (1st verse) |

| -------- | ------------------------ |

| ¡Oíd, mortales! El grito sagrado:
¡Libertad, Libertad, Libertad!
Oíd el ruido de rotas cadenas:
Ved en trono a la noble Igualdad.

¡Ya su trono dignísimo abrieron
Las provincias unidas del Sur!
Y los libres del mundo responden:
¡Al Gran Pueblo Argentino Salud!
Y los libres del mundo responden:
¡Al Gran Pueblo Argentino Salud!

Sean eternos los laureles
Que supimos conseguir.
Que supimos conseguir.
Coronados de gloria vivamos
O juremos con gloria morir.
O juremos con gloria morir.
O juremos con gloria morir.

De los nuevos campeones los rostros
Marte mismo parece animar:
la grandeza se anida en sus pechos
a su marcha todo hacen temblar.
Se conmueven del Inca las tumbas
y en sus huesos revive el ardor,
lo que ve renovando a sus hijos
de la patria el antiguo esplendor.


Pero sierras y muros se sienten
retumbar con horrible fragor,
todo el país se conturba por gritos
de venganza, de guerra, y furor.
En los fieros tiranos la envidia
escupió su pestífera hiel,
su Estandarte sangriento levantan
provocando a la Lid más cruel.


¿No los véis sobre México y Quito
arrojarse con saña tenaz?
¿Y cuál lloran bañados en sangre
Potosí, Cochabamba y La Paz?
¿No los véis sobre el triste Caracas
luto, y llantos, y muerte esparcir?
¿No los véis devorando cual fieras
todo pueblo que logran rendir?


A vosotros se atreve Argentinos
el orgullo del vil invasor:
vuestros campos ya pisa contando
tantas glorias hollar vencedor.
Mas los bravos que unidos juraron
su feliz libertad sostener
a estos tigres sedientos de sangre
fuertes pechos sabrán oponer.


El valiente Argentino a las armas
corre ardiendo con brío y valor,
el clarín de la guerra, cual trueno
en los campos del Sud resonó.
Buenos Aires se opone a la frente
de los Pueblos de la ínclita unión,
y con brazos robustos desgarran
al Ibérico altivo león.
San José, San Lorenzo, Suipacha,
ambas Piedras, Salta, y Tucumán,
la Colonia y las mismas murallas
del tirano en la banda oriental,
son letreros eternos que dicen
aquí el brazo Argentino triunfó,
aquí el fiero opresor de la Patria
su cerviz orgullosa dobló.


La victoria al guerrero Argentino
con sus alas brillantes cubrió,
y azorado a su vista el tirano
con infamia a la fuga se dio;
sus banderas, sus armas se rinden
por trofeos a la libertad,
y sobre alas de gloria alza el Pueblo
trono digno a su gran Majestad.


Desde un polo hasta el otro resuena
de la fama el sonoro clarín,
y de América el nombre enseñando
les repite: mortales, oíd.
Ya su trono dignísimo abrieron
las Provincias Unidas del Sud,
y los libres del mundo responden
al gran Pueblo Argentino Salud.

Refrain | Hear, mortals! The hallowed cry:
Freedom, freedom, freedom!
Hear the noise of broken chains:
Behold on the throne the noble equality.
Already showed their dignified throne
the united provinces of the South!
And the freemen of the world answer:
Hail to the great Argentine people!
And the freemen of the world answer:
Hail to the great Argentine people!


Eternal be the laurel,
which we knew how to obtain.
which we knew how to obtain.
May we live crowned with glory ...
or we swear to die glorious!
or we swear to die glorious!
or we swear to die glorious! |

Argentine flag color codes

117, 170, 219
47, 22, 0, 14
252, 191, 73
0, 24, 71, 1
255, 255, 255
0, 0, 0, 0
132, 53, 17
0, 60, 87, 48

That's what ChatGPT knows about the flag of Argentina

This is what an AI says about the Argentine flag
The national flag of Argentina is one of the oldest flags in Latin America and was officially adopted as early as 1812. It consists of three equal horizontal stripes, blue, white and blue, and a sun emblem in the center. The sun emblem is a symbol of the country's independence and is surrounded by a band with the inscription "República Argentina". The flag is one of the most important symbols of the country and a symbol of national unity.
This is what an AI knows about the history of the Argentine flag
The first Argentine national flag was designed by Manuel Belgrano in 1812 and consisted of a white square in the center surrounded by a blue and a red stripe. In 1818, the design of the flag was changed to emphasize the blue square in the center. Since then, the design of the flag has remained unchanged. In 1816, the flag was officially recognized as the national flag. Since then it has been used as a symbol of national identity and pride.
This is how an AI describes the Argentine flag
The national flag of Argentina consists of a blue square in the upper left corner flanked by a white crescent and a star. The white crescent and star are placed on a stripe in Argentina's national colors, blue and white. The rest of the flag is divided into two equal squares, one white and one blue. It symbolizes the unity of the sun and the moon, which represent the Argentine nation. The upper blue stripe represents freedom and the lower white stripe represents the equality of people.

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