Flag of London

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Background knowledge

The flag of London is based on the English flag (central red cross of St. George on a white background). In addition, it shows red sword in the left, upper quarter.It is claimed that the cross is supposed to symbolize that cross with which Saint Paul was beheaded, the patron saint of the city. The sword always points downwards, even if the flag is shown as a banner (vertical).

That's what ChatGPT knows about the flag of London

This is what an AI says about the London flag
The flag of the City of London is a symbol of the city and is displayed on public buildings and facilities. It was officially recognized as the flag of the City of London in 2009 and is a symbol of the city's diversity and cohesion. The flag of the City of London is a symbol of the history and culture of the city and is seen as a sign of solidarity and pride in the country of Great Britain.
This is what an AI knows about the history of the London flag
The flag of the city of London was introduced in 2008 and is a symbol of diversity and cohesion of the city. It consists of a white cross on a blue background, on which the red symbols of the city of London are arranged. The cross is a reference to the old coat of arms of the city, which was used since the 13th century.
This is how an AI describes the London flag
The flag of the city of London in the United Kingdom is a red flag with the heraldic arms of the city. The coat of arms contains a red cross piercing a white sword and a golden crown. The background of the flag is white. The coat of arms is surrounded by a golden belt engraved with the name of the city. Below it is a red shield containing a white lion. The flag is also called the London flag of arms.