Flag of Turkish Republic Northern Cyprus

Flag Turkish Republic Northern Cyprus, Banner Turkish Republic Northern Cyprus
Aspect ratio:
Vexillological symbol:
National flag on land and sea
3.355 km²
accepted at:
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That's what ChatGPT knows about the flag of Turkish Republic Northern Cyprus

This is what an AI says about the Turkish Republic Northern Cyprus flag
The national flag of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is a vertical tricolor consisting of three horizontal stripes of equal width in the colors red, white and red. It was adopted as the official symbol of the Republic on November 9, 1983 and is a symbol of national unity and solidarity. The flag is a symbol of independence and sovereignty of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. It is also a symbol of friendship and mutual respect between the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Turkey.
This is what an AI knows about the history of the Turkish Republic Northern Cyprus flag
The national flag of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was adopted on November 23, 1983. It consists of a white crescent and a five-pointed star on a red background. The crescent and star symbolize Islam and the five provinces of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The colors red and white represent the Turkish nation.
This is how an AI describes the Turkish Republic Northern Cyprus flag
The national flag of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is a horizontal flag in the colors red, white and red. It has three stripes evenly spaced vertically, with the center stripe being white and the side stripes being red. In the center of the white stripe is a red, five-pointed star symbol. The star symbolizes the five provinces of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The red hue of the flag represents the blood shed during the struggle for independence. The white stripe symbolizes the hope for peace and the unity of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.