Flag of Zimbabwe

Flag Zimbabwe, Banner Zimbabwe
Aspect ratio:
Vexillological symbol:
National flag on land and sea
390.757 km²
English, Shona, Ndebele
Zimbabwe Dollar (ZWD)
accepted at:

Listen to anthem

Flag graphics are welcome. But please provide a link to www.flags-and-anthems.com as the source.
Text courtesy of Flaggenlexikon.de

Seven equal horizontal stripes (green, yellow, red, black, red, yellow, green) with a white equilateral triangle very thinly outlined in black; within the triangle is a red five-pointed star and a bird partially obscuring the star.


Composer: Fred Lecture Changundega Songwriter: Solomon Mutswairo

That's what ChatGPT knows about the flag of Zimbabwe

This is what an AI says about the Simbabwian flag
The flag of Zimbabwe is a symbol of the independence and unity of the country. It consists of seven evenly spaced vertical stripes in red, yellow, green and black. The red stripe symbolizes the blood spilled in the struggle for independence, while the yellow stripe represents the mineral wealth of the country. The green stripe represents nature and agriculture, and the black stripe represents the African population.
This is what an AI knows about the history of the Simbabwian flag
The national flag of Zimbabwe was introduced in 1980 as part of the country's declaration of independence. It consists of seven evenly spaced horizontal stripes in red, yellow, green and black. The flag symbolizes the unity of the nation and the hope for a better future. The white star in the center represents social progress and the blue sun stands for the country's collective identity.
This is how an AI describes the Simbabwian flag
The national flag of Zimbabwe consists of seven evenly vertical stripes in red, yellow, green and black. The top three stripes are red, followed by three yellow stripes. The lower stripe is black and contains a white, five-pointed star emblem. In the center of the star emblem is a red five-pointed ray cross. The flag symbolizes African nationalism and hope for a better future. The different colors also symbolize the diversity of cultures and ethnicities in Zimbabwe.