Flag of Sierra Leone

Flag Sierra Leone, Banner Sierra Leone
Aspect ratio:
Vexillological symbol:
National flag on land, merchant and service flag at sea
Sierra Leone
71.740 km²
English (official language), Krio (as lingua franca), Temne, Mende, regional languages
Leone (SLL)
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Three stripes of the same size (green, white, light blue).


Composer: John Joseph Akar Songwriter: Clifford Nelson Fyle

That's what ChatGPT knows about the flag of Sierra Leone

This is what an AI says about the Sierra-leon flag
The flag of Sierra Leone was introduced in 1961 and is one of the youngest flags in Africa. It consists of three horizontal stripes in green, white and blue. The green stripe represents agriculture and the country's natural resources, the white stripe symbolizes the country's unity and the blue stripe represents the sea and the country's progress. The flag is often used as a symbol of hope and progress in Sierra Leone.
This is what an AI knows about the history of the Sierra-leon flag
The national flag of Sierra Leone was introduced in 1961 as part of the country's declaration of independence. It consists of three horizontal stripes in green, white and blue. The green stripe symbolizes nature and the country's forests, the white stripe represents the unshakable unity of the nation, and the blue stripe symbolizes hope for a better future.
This is how an AI describes the Sierra-leon flag
The national flag of Sierra Leone consists of three vertical stripes in the colors green, white and blue. The green stripe is the widest and represents nature and agriculture of the country. The white stripe symbolizes the unity and peace of the country. The blue stripe stands for the sea and freedom. In the center of the flag there is a red star banner, which symbolizes hope and the pursuit of freedom.

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